The hardware and software platform
The hardware platform is a computer with two Multitaction displays connected in one screen with a total resolution of 1920x2160px. The software is implemented in the Unity3D development environment.
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Visual description of the screen
Visually, the screen is divided into two parts, each of which has its own content and can work independently of each other. Each part is designed in such a way that for people approaching the table from different sides of the information, it is always oriented towards them. At the bottom of the screen are two information sections and two games.
Information section
The first section covers the course of the civil war in Russia 1917-1923. The section has a timeline for switching between war periods and map marks in each period with a description of local events. The second section is about the prices and cost of goods in various cities during the Civil War years. The choice of city is made by a mark on the map, which opens a catalog with various types of information and pictures.
The games are interesting. The first game "Heap of banknotes" has two modes of operation, for half of the whole table and for the whole table, in the second mode up to 10 people can play. The task of the game is to sort money from different eras to the corresponding characters of these eras. The banknotes have the shape of the banknotes and when dragged they crumple realistically. Next to each character is a counter of remaining bills, with a correctly raised bill, the counter decreases, with a wrong bill, the bill bounces in the center of the table. By clicking on each character's icon, a window with historical information appears. After the game ends, the center displays information about the time spent in the game and the number of missed shots. The second game is interesting in the approach of choosing a character for which the visitor will play, Multitaction technology allows you to recognize not only touches, but also QR codes. To select characters, models of heroes printed on a 3D printer are used, a QR code is located on the base of the models, when the model is installed on the play button, the Multitaction table sends the application a QR code ID and the application launches the game script corresponding to the selected character. The goal of the game is to go through the character in various cities during the Civil War, exchange various currencies, buy tips from local residents, and by the end of the game accumulate the amount set in the game legend.
The second screen
The second screen has three sections of information: the Fund Catalog section in the form of a gallery of various banknotes, the People section with a description of the biography of significant personalities of the Civil War era, and the Literature section with quotes from various Civil War books and stories.
Software application for the State Mint Museum St. Petersburg

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